How Noibu helped Solo Stove increase annual sales and boost annual ecommerce revenue by 15%

Solo Stove is a consumer goods company based in Texas, USA that is known for developing patented technology for the perfect fire pits and outdoor stoves. Since its launch in 2011, Solo Stove has grown to a team of about 100 people, including warehouse employees. Today, the company has achieved more than 7-figure annual revenue. The founders credit the company’s success with staying focused on the customer and building simple, high-quality products.
As part of our effort to understand more about our customers’ experience with Noibu, we recently sat down with Joe Bagazinski, Website Product Owner at Solo Stove to get his insights on how his team has been the platform and some of the wins they’ve had so far.
What was the challenge that Solo Stove’s ecommerce team was facing before partnering with Noibu?
Solo Stove’s ecommerce monitoring workflow was fairly typical before partnering with Noibu. As the in-house ecommerce specialist, Joe Bagazinski would receive endless support tickets and customer service calls reporting onsite errors and issues with checking out. He then had to spend hours trying to manually reproduce the errors so the team could identify what was causing them.
However, most customer complaints lacked the necessary information his team needed to efficiently reproduce and resolve errors, often causing him to run into a dead end. What’s worse is that most customers, as we know it, rarely ever report the errors they encounter on a website.
Therefore, the main challenge facing Solo Stove was not having an automatic workflow to detect on-site errors impacting the user experience and quantify the impact of each of them.

Why did Solo Stove end up choosing Noibu for their ecommerce monitoring needs?
Solo Stove not only needed a solution to automatically detect site errors but more importantly, something that could differentiate between which errors had a significant impact on revenue and which did not.
They needed a solution that could help them prioritize their resolution efforts so that errors with the highest impact on revenue could be addressed on top priority, followed by those that did not have as much of a revenue impact. Then, Joe could effectively pass the issues to the development team, so they could dive into the highest priority issues.
Joe evaluated a number of ecommerce monitoring and similar solutions and eventually chose Noibu as it promised:
- Automatic error detection: Noibu detects 100% of the errors (both at the control and handler level) that occur on an ecommerce site, including ones that are often omitted by other tools
- Intelligent error prioritization: Noibu priorities all errors based on the predicted revenue impact that they have, thus providing ecommerce teams with direction in terms of where to get started with resolving errors
- Efficient error resolution: Noibu provides all the technical details a developer needs to resolve an error along with AI-generated recommended fixes so they can be resolved efficiently
Once the team at Solo Stove started using Noibu, they no longer had to rely on support tickets and customer complaints to identify errors on their site that were potentially leading to customer frustration and drop-offs.
Quality customer experiences and flawless customer service have always been at the heart of everything Solo Stove worked towards. And with Noibu, they were able to deliver far more streamlined user experiences that were free of any errors or hiccups.
In fact, we recently hosted the CEO and Director of Solo Brands, John Merris on our podcast—The Ecommerce Toolbox: Expert Perspectives—and it was interesting to note that the ethos the company stands by is - “treat your customers like you treat your mom”!
John spoke at length about the company culture at Solo Brands, which is focused on customer happiness and is the guiding principle for all decisions they make.
Catch the whole conversation here:
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What was the biggest win that Solo Stove had after partnering with Noibu?
In the ecommerce world, most sites expect sales to slow down between January-March after the rush of the holiday season. After launching Noibu, Solo Stove didn’t see this drop in sales. In fact, within the first 3 months of using Noibu, Solo Stove was able to identify and solve 4 revenue-impacting errors, which added 3,100 orders to annual sales. The company has also seen an increase in average order value (AOV), increasing revenue by 15%.

This case study illustrates how Noibu as a robust ecommerce monitoring solution can not only redefine how you detect and resolve errors, but also play a key role in boosting your critical business metrics, such as sales and revenue. If that sounds like something you’d want to explore for your ecommerce business, sign up for a free checkout audit to uncover what’s really happening under the hood of your site!