Your 2021 ecommerce spring cleaning checklist

OTTAWA, April 19th, 2021 –
Spring has sprung! The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping and, even the cleanliest of ecommerce sites has probably built up some dirt and clutter over the winter.
No, we’re not talking about those unwanted holiday gifts you’re waiting to regift that are stuffed in that one closet of your house (don’t lie… we all have that one closet) — we’re talking about errors!
So, get ready to dust every nook and cranny as we take you through our 2021 ecommerce spring cleaning checklist.
Step 1: Start in the basement
Here at Noibu, we recommend the bottom-up approach to spring cleaning, starting with your website’s back-end (its basement) so the hard part’s out of the way first.
Here, you’ll want to take a look at your site’s code to make sure everything’s running the way it should — that means no duct-tape fixes, folks. We’re looking for any JavaScript errors that might mess with a customer’s checkout or lead to a poor experience on your site.
If your team has a dedicated developer with the time to comb through your code line-by-line, great! If not, we recommend skipping directly to Step 4.
Step 2: Wash the windows and dust the doorframes
Your windows and doors are your home’s connection with the outside world. Just the same, Hypertext Transfer Protocols (HTTP) are your site’s connection with your ecommerce platform.
It’s a classic expression: A speck of dust is harder to see on a window than a box of old bowling trophies in the basement. It isn’t a classic expression? Well, it is now… coined it! Similarly, HTTP errors are harder to spot than JavaScript errors. You might have to get in touch with your server administrator to make sure you’re in the clear.
Or, of course, there’s always Step 4.
Step 3: Mop the floors and wash the walls
Last, you’re going to want to make sure your floors are spotless. If you’re still with us on this (totally normal) metaphor, let’s say the rooms are the pages of your website — the entryway is the homepage; the living room with family photos everywhere is the “About us” page. You get the point.
No, maybe your guest won’t notice the mouldy spot of tomato sauce on the floor you’ve been meaning to clean for months or the unidentified smear on the wall of the kitchen you tried your best to hide with the coffee maker — but they might. And if they do, they might hesitate to come back again in the future.
Take a look at your HTML and CSS to see if you have any broken links, missing page elements or layout issues. Or, you guessed it, skip to Step 4.
Step 4: Scrap this whole list and hire a professional
Look, we’re not gonna lie… We’re pretty partial to Step 4, and not just because we’re the professional we recommend you hire to do your spring cleaning for you.
The reality is, 1) we’re really good at it and 2) you have better things to do with your time than hunt down pesky ecommerce errors (that’s what the Noibots are for).
So, put your feet up, relax and watch as we scrub even the mouldiest errors from your site, potentially saving you thousands in lost revenue.