How does Noibu provide long-term value?

What makes Noibu a crucial part of an ecommerce company’s long-term tech stack?
As an error detection, prioritization, and resolution tool, the first thing most folks do when they start their journey with Noibu is to clear out their initial backlog of errors. With their new ability to catch all existing and new customer-impacting errors on their site, ecommerce teams can immediately get to work on resolving long standing customer ticket issues that may have been missed due to a lack of data, or that have gone completely undetected over time.
Clearing out the backlog of errors from a site is, of course, a critical step in maintaining a healthy, well functioning website. But it’s what Noibu allows companies to do after they clear out their backlog that the magic really starts to happen.

Long-term error detection
Unfortunately, eliminating old bugs in your backlog doesn’t stop new bugs from being introduced into your site environment.
Because of the rapidly evolving nature of the internet, devices, browsers, IOS versions, ad blockers, etc. there are a seemingly endless amount of ways for users to interact with your site, and you’re simply not going to be able to anticipate and test for all of them. With the multitude of third party platforms that go into making your site functional, any time one of those platforms updates you run the risk of APIs and code no longer working together as expected. This is a big reason why 94% of all European ecommerce sites have at least 5 live, customer impacting errors on their site at any given time—and something tells us this isn’t just a European problem.
It is ultimately inevitable that errors will make their way back onto your website.
However, having Noibu in place ensures that all these errors are caught when they happen, so your team doesn’t have to worry about something breaking without them knowing.
An added benefit here is also the ability to be able to tie individual site errors back to support tickets that have come in. With Noibu’s Session Recording and Session Search features, Noibu users can easily associate a customer’s support ticket with the corresponding error in the console, helping your support team better address all new customer issues that arise.

Long-term prioritization
Knowing that an error happened is great, but understanding how that error is impacting your business is even better. With every new error that occurs in your online funnel, Noibu collects its impact on conversion, and the resulting loss in revenue, which allows ecommerce managers to immediately see which errors are having the most detrimental effects.
Without access to business-impact data, ecommerce managers are left to guess which errors are the most severe. This creates a 3 pronged issue:
1. The team needs to spend time investigating an issue to get an understanding of how it’s affecting the buyer’s journey,
2. The team is not using key business data to make decisions, their decisions are driven by guesswork and emotion, and
3. The team risks sending off a resolution request to their developers for an error that doesn’t really impact the business’ bottom line, which leads the developers to spend time on a resolution that ultimately will not move the needle in a meaningful way.
By calculating the impact to the business’ bottom line by comparing a page’s metrics when the error isn’t present against the changes in metrics when the error is present, this refocuses the ecommerce team away from what other error detection tools focus on - occurrence numbers - and instead around the metrics that truly matter: revenue and conversions.

Long-term error resolution
Triaging and handling errors can be a time consuming ordeal, and of course the part that takes the longest is the act of resolving the error. For developers, error resolution can take up a very large portion of their sprints.
“More than half of developers (55%) said that if they didn’t have to spend so much time fixing bugs, they would have the time to build new features and functionality. 42% of the total survey group said they would be able to do their job if not for the time spent on fixing bugs.” (BusinessWire)
The biggest contributor to the length of time it takes to resolve an error is the replication and revalidation workflow that needs to take place, and developers can reproduce bugs only 23% of the time.
The process of replicating an error is done to be able to collect the information the developers need to have on hand in order to resolve the error, and to confirm that the reported issue is having a negative effect on the intended customer journey. Data gathered during this process includes browser details, console calls, API interactions, user journeys, etc.
Because Noibu automatically collects all this data, and more, the developer workflow can be sliced away to become a lot more efficient and, ultimately, infinitely quicker.
As one of Noibu’s long-standing customers, Carrefour, stated, “Time is money so it’s important for us to help the team work quickly.”

Giving developers access to this level of data has allowed our customers to cut down on their average time to resolution by about 70%.

A dedicated success team
Beyond the platform itself, Noibu customers also gain access to a top-tier customer success team. Our Customer Success Managers work proactively with customers throughout their Noibu partnership to ensure the best possible experience for all teams, while also maximizing the customer’s ROI.
To learn more about what goes into our top-of-the-line support, check out our blog entitled How Does Noibu Help Customers Succeed.

In conclusion
Being able to know that all new site errors will be caught is a vital part of maintaining a healthy and functional website well into the future.
As you work to grow your ecommerce business, Noibu will be by your side every step of the way ensuring no error ever goes undetected. The platform will continue to enable your team to quickly prioritize based on your business goals and save time with swift resolutions and streamlined processes—so you can focus on the future of your business, and not constantly worry about the state of your website.
And with a dedicated, proactive CSM team to provide constant updates, industry insights, and recommendations, you can rest assured that you have a partner that only succeeds when you do.

What customers have to say
We spoke with some of our customers and asked why they consider Noibu a critical tool in their long-term tech stack.
Jean Philippe concludes that the biggest win with having Noibu onboard long term is the ongoing “prioritization and the help for our development team to find their way in our [error tickets].”
Read more in Carrefour’s Case Study →