How Digital Agencies Generate New Revenue with Noibu

Expanding on current relationships will bring in the most results in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of effort. Bringing the Noibu software on helps digiagencies get there, while giving them an additional competitive advantage.
How digital agencies generate new revenue with Noibu - blog banner

As a digital agency looking to bring in more revenue, you either have to look to bring on new clients, increase your existing contract values, or expand on current client projects.

Getting new clients is a lot easier said than done.

Increasing your price per hour in your contracts will upset your current clients.

Expanding on your current relationships is going to bring in the most results in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of effort. Bringing the Noibu software on helps agencies get there, while giving them an additional competitive advantage.

But how?

Providing Additional Insight to Clients

Unlike Application Performance Monitoring or Digital Experience tools, Noibu goes beyond heatmaps and error rate tracking. Monitoring the entirety of your eCommerce store and automatically detecting and capturing all front and back end errors, users are able to get a full 360 degree view of issues on their website.

Having this capability embedded as an offering in your services can give you an additional edge over your competitors and bring in new clients in the future.

Now, this aspect doesn’t necessarily tie into immediately expanding upon existing relationships. It does, however, tie into the next aspect which will bring in more money through your current relationships.

Consistently Refilling Your Project Queue

Typically, digital agencies are brought on with a company to complete a single “big project” or to focus on maintaining the website and digital experience.

After that big project wraps up though, how often is your team being taped on the shoulder for other projects?

When the partnership is mainly for maintenance, how often is your team requested to fix something? And when your team is called upon, how often are those “you need to fix x, y, and z” conversations underlined with friction and frustration? How many hours do these one-off maintenance tasks typically take?

With an automated and holistic view of all site issues, instead of waiting for their client to come back sporadically with quick project requests, your team can proactively approach their clients with lists of potential improvement projects that can be used to build up a continual backlog of work.

Every time there is a lull in projects between your teams and your clients, your agents can jump into the console to find more site projects to work on to get more billable hours in the bank. All while providing continual value to your client companies.

Creating an Embedded Workflow

eCommerce and Product teams have limited visibility into site errors and the support team is fielding customer tickets with limited data. When an error is brought to the team’s attention, they have to pass along fix requests to their internal development team, who then need to run through multiple reproduction and revalidation steps to find the root cause and work out a resolution. If the team is interested in seeing how much revenue the fix saved, they need to involve their RevOps and Data Scientists, too.

By partnering with a digital agency that employs Noibu, a company’s workflow can look a lot different… and save the brand tens and hundreds of hours.

Instead of going through everything stated above, clients can essentially sit back and know that errors are being proactively fixed… And if they ever question how much revenue your agency is saving them through these projects, your agents just need to dive into the console to pull the calculated revenue impact metric associated with every error they have closed-fixed.

Not only that, but when the support team does get a customer ticket about an error, they only need to forward it off to their agency team. No need to further dive into anything or worry about the amount of work they’re creating for their own developers.

So essentially, their workflow goes from irregular error notifications that require hours of development time, as we see below:

Example Bug Reproduction Flow without Agency

To an easy, streamlined method to deal with front and back end errors:

Example Bug Reproduction Flow with Agency

By not only eliminating hours of repetitive work for their team, but also directly tying revenue-saving projects to this new collaborative workflow, you make it a tall order for any company to churn away.

Put simply, if a company is able to find a partner that saves them time and saves them money… Why would they risk losing that?

We’ve spoken about how your agency can embed itself into your client’s workflows with the help of Noibu’s software, making it incredibly difficult to churn away down the road and thus ensuring a higher retention rate and lifetime value (LTV).

We’ve also touched on how your agents can consistently fill their backlog with billable projects using the automated error detection functionality, while also using the revenue impact metric to continually prove out a good return on investment for your eCommerce clients. (So you’re not seen as a cost centre but rather a revenue generator)

Those are just two of the ways Noibu brings value to agencies, though… What about on the client side?

To get a better idea of how your potential clients receive a Noibu x Digital Agency partnership, we surveyed our customers that have worked with agencies in the past. Here are some of the takeaways uncovered:

Interested in learning more about how agencies and Noibu can work together? Send our VP of Partnerships a message on LinkedIn or via email at

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