Noibu’s Hottest Product Feature Releases in 2021

Product & engineering teams have released an unprecedented amount of new features & updates to help eCommerce professionals rescue revenue.
Noibu 2021 Feature Releases - White text over green background with multicolored confetti

After yet another year of unprecedented events, it seems as though there is a bit of reflection of life in art (read: product). Just as the world continued to experience crazy changes, we’ve had an unprecedented amount of updates deployed in our product. But at least in our case, the changes were all for the better.

And we hope you agree.

Thanks to the amazing feedback from our customers, our engineering and product teams have had their plates full with exciting new updates and features to make revenue recovery even better for eCommerce professionals. We want to take some time now to showcase their hard work and explain how it all benefits you and your teams.

So without further ado, we present to you our much-less glamorous version of Spotify Wrapped: Noibu’s 2021 Hottest Feature Release Roundup!

Feature Update Guide

1. Issue Trends

2. Progressed Percentage Over Time

3. Summary Dashboard

4. New User Interface

5. Closed Fix Recurrence Alerts

6. Friction Factor & Symptoms

7. Jira Integration

8. Beautified StackTrace

9. Other Updates

10. New Case Studies

Feature 1: Issue Trends


Issue trends is a visual graph showing the impact of errors over time categorized by the following:

Annualized revenue loss: How much revenue the business stands to lose over a 365 day period if the issue isn’t resolved
Actual revenue loss: How much revenue the business has lost in a particular week, day or hour
Occurrences: How often the issue is occurring on site

Pro Use Case

1. Identify spiking issues to prioritize your backlog
2. Correlate a drop in conversion to a specific new or existing spiking error
3. Confirm that a fix is working by seeing the occurrences trend to 0 post-deployment

*Issue trends are also available in each issue ticket

For more info:

Feature 2: Progressed % Over Time


View your funnel conversion rates over time inside of the summary dashboard tab.

Pro Use Case

If there is a drop in conversion in the funnel you can go to issue trends and see if a JS or HTTP error is causing that drop by viewing if any issues are spiking during that same time period.

For more info:

Feature 3: Summary Dashboard


A comprehensive view of your progress in Noibu and current state of your website:

– Annual revenue saved
– Annual revenue lost
– # of issues resolved
– # of new issues
– Funnel analysis
– Progression %
– Top suggested issues
– Team activity

Pro Use Case

See up to date KPIs at a glance.

For more info:

Feature 4: New User Interface


An enhancement of the user interface features including funnel, all issues, session search, session details, and issue details.

– More user-friendly interface
– Beautified stack trace
– Search by IP address in Session Search
– Filter and sort Issues by Most Revenue Loss

Pro Use Case

Always check the What’s New tab in the top right corner of the console because we’re consistently shipping new updates (driven by feedback from our valued customers!)

For more info:

Feature 5: Closed Fix Recurrence Alerts


Email (and Slack) notifications to notify you if closed fix issues reoccur.

Pro Use Case

Always change the state of the issue to ‘closed-fix’ when a fix has been successfully implemented to ensure you’re alerted if the error reoccurs.

For more info:

Feature 6: Friction Factor & Symptoms


Easily identify the sessions where users had the highest amount of difficulty.

Friction factor: The higher the number the more difficulty the user had
Symptoms: Behaviours inside of the session e.g. rage click, slow session, etc.

Pro Use Case

Use friction factor and symptoms to understand user experience. All sessions in Noibu are sorted by Friction Factor from high to low by default. One additional use case is to copy and paste the URL of your campaign specific landing page to investigate UX.

For more info:

Feature 7: Jira Integration


You can send Noibu issues directly to Jira with important error details in a pre-populated Jira ticket (includes a link back to Noibu).

Pro Use Case

When tickets are closed in Jira, they are closed in the Noibu console.

For more info:

Feature 8: Beautified StackTrace


Developers can view which specific line in a JS file a JS error is being triggered from with the beautified version of the JS stack. This will help you quickly debug the issue by understanding exactly where the issue happened in the code.

Pro Use Case

99% of JavasScript errors can be resolved by leveraging the Stack Trace in Issues under the Developer tab. Stack Trace identifies the JS file and line of code in which the error is found. This provides time savings for developers when resolving issues.

Other Updates of Note

Weekly update email: The weekly updates now include annualized revenue loss. If you’re not currently receiving updates, click on “My Profile” and check the “Weekly Updates” box to receive the updates.

CSS blocking: Blocking PII for GDPR compliance + US privacy laws

CSS filtering: You can filter for sessions where users interacted with a certain CSS class

New Case Studies

We love chatting with our customers about how they’re using Noibu’s platform. Check out a few of this year’s success stories!

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