Noibu for

Empowered decision making starts here

Find all known and unkown errors

Prioritize efforts based on business impact

Enhance collaboration with technical teams

Helping product teams find errors and triage with confidence

“Great tool for conversion rate optimization and triaging errors!”

“Great platform for finding, fixing, and evaluating impact of website bugs”

“Great way to prioritize bugs”

“Find the unfindable”

“Detect and solve issues faster with Noibu”

Find bugs you already know about…

Whether you become aware of errors through customer complaints, leadership, social media or various testing – know when to prioritize and get to the bottom of a solution.

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…and uncover the ones you don’t.

Only 10% of shoppers call in to complain. Detect the 90% you don’t hear about, and tackle revenue impacting bugs before they cause your shoppers friction.

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Tools that help product professionals crush their goals

Your challenges

  • Difficulty managing tech debt vs. new features on the roadmap?
  • Leaning on guesswork when focusing your efforts?
  • Not sure if you have visibility into all customer impacting errors?

With Noibu

  • Boost the dev team’s efficiency to spend more time tackling innovation.
  • Prioritize work based on business goals and triage with confidence.
  • Detect all JS, HTTP, GQL, and image errors and their impacts on your eCommerce funnel.

Customizable alerts

Never miss a thing

Tailor notifications to your eCommerce company’s specific goals and requirements.

session search

Find your desired session

Stop fumbling in hundreds of sessions and track down specific sessions from customer complaints.


Assess an issue’s impact at a glance

Access a suite of tools and data to quickly gauge how an issue affects the shopper experience, and assign priority accordingly.


Better understand your shopper’s frustrations

Pinpoint obstructions preventing funnel progression, including rage clicks, refreshes, form desertions, and more.

third-Party Insights

Differentiate between first and third-party errors

Understand whether an error can be resolved internally or if you should hold a third-party vendor accountable for the fix.

Robust Filtering

Zero in with specific attributes

Utilize a plethora of eCommerce specific filters to identify the highest priority issues.

pinned sessions

Create quick reference points

Pin important issues to revisit, or find user impacting issues that the Noibu team has verified and pinned for you!

Jira integration

Integrate seamlessly with your current workflow

Connect Noibu with Jira to generate tickets on the fly and track an issue’s resolution on both platforms.

See what other product teams have to say

“The biggest pain point was that we couldn’t find exactly where on the code the issue was, and it was very difficult to dive into the code in order to see what provoked the issue.”

Champion Logo with navy text

“We’re trying to be more consumer focused. And the fact that we can put a dollar value next to an error allowed us to have a business case to justify the work relative to the internal users such that we were able to create a better balance.”

Our Resources

Frequently asked questions

1. How does your integration with Jira work?

Noibu’s integration with Jira creates a direct path between issues in Noibu and tickets in Jira. After triaging an issue, you can sync the issue to Jira to create a corresponding ticket with all the information your developers need to solve the issue.

2. How is this different from traditional QA software?

Noibu is designed for ecommerce professionals to navigate critical errors without the need for coding knowledge. Noibu tracks UI related errors that are often missed by traditional QA software that results from:
  • Third party integrations
  • Redesigns
  • Browser/device issues

3. Can multiple people in my organization be notified of an error?

Yes, during the onboarding process you can select multiple people to be notified of an error. You will be able to build your own automated alerts that fit the goals of your business.

Discover the power of Noibu

See Noibu’s eCommerce Monitoring Platform in action and how we specifically help empower product teams.

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